Mapping Africa Transformations


West Africa faces some of the highest levels of gender inequality worldwide, impacting all areas of life. Despite these challenges, women emerge as powerful agents of change. Their resilience and leadership spark progress and drive growth. Leveraging data and analysis can guide efforts to unlock their potential to transform communities and create a more equitable future for all.

MAPTA-Gender analyses data on violence involving women in West Africa over the past 20 years. This data is drawn from the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) and is critical to providing a better understanding of the nature and severity of violence against women and girls. While the full magnitude remains unknown, this dataset is an important step to informing more gender-focused responses to conflict.

Nigeria accounts for 87% of violence against women in the region.  In northern Nigeria, where Boko Haram has its roots, women are subject to systematic attacks and abductions. They are recruited as labourers, including for sexual purposes, or as informants and combatants. In Burkina Faso and Mali, women are subjected to assault and rape by armed groups. They are also subjected to deteriorating living conditions in rural areas as well as forced migration.


Violence affecting women 2009-23

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